Company ESG

ClearVuePV, stunningly clear solar windows

ClearVue has adopted an Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) framework with 21 core metrics and disclosures created by the World Economic Forum (WEF).

The context in which the Company operates has been transformed by climate impact, nature loss, and social unrest around inclusion and working conditions. This new global environment is challenging the traditional expectations of corporations and redirecting investment capital. Global sustainable investment now tops $30 trillion, up 68% since 2014 and tenfold since 2004. ClearVue is charting a course to build resilience and enhance our social licence through a greater commitment to long-term, sustainable value creation that embraces the wider demands of people, planet and shared prosperity.

Universal ESG metrics

ClearVue has commenced ESG reporting by making disclosures against the World Economic Forum (WEF) Stakeholder Capitalism framework. The WEF framework is a set of common metrics for sustainable value creation captured in 21 core ESG disclosures. The Board of ClearVue has resolved to use this universal ESG framework to align mainstream reporting on performance against ESG indicators.

ClearVue sees the WEF Stakeholder Capitalism Metrics as the most appropriate ESG disclosure framework to start out on its ESG journey. The Stakeholder Capitalism framework leverages a variety of existing frameworks and is intentionally built to be a stepping stone to begin building capacity and capability in ESG reporting. It will enable the Company to report on core ESG matters of governance, anti-corruption practices, ethical behaviour, human rights, carbon emissions, land use, ecological sensitivity, water consumption, diversity and inclusion, pay equality and tax payments.

By including ESG metrics in mainstream reporting and integrating them into governance, business strategy, and performance management process, ClearVue sets out to demonstrate that it diligently considers all pertinent risks and opportunities in running its business. ClearVue will demonstrate its ongoing commitment to ESG by sharing its progress toward ESG disclosures in half-yearly updates in combination with making disclosures transparently available in the public domain.

Standardized disclosure technology

To ensure that ClearVue can measure, monitor, and report on its ESG disclosure progress, the Company has engaged impact monitoring technology platform Socialsuite to streamline the disclosure and ongoing ESG reporting process. The Company’s goal is to demonstrate commitment and progress on making ESG disclosures, but more broadly, aims to progress on a range of core and expanded ESG metrics.

ClearVue will update the market regularly on its ESG disclosure progress and seek to ensure that the ClearVue business remains an impact investment for shareholders and local communities.

The Company has subscribed to Socialsuite’s ESG Go reporting platform to create its intitial Baseline ESG disclosure report in September of 2022.

Subsequently, the Company has focused on utilising Socialsuite to deliver and report ongoing progress toward disclosing and improving ESG metrics and indicators. ESG Go provides an easy way for investors and other stakeholders to assess the commitment and progress of the Company on its journey to create “best in class” ESG credentials and outcomes.

ESG Disclosures

Continuous Disclosures

Throughout the course of the year the Company releases a number of reports that contain ESG disclosures, these include:

Standing Policies

There are also a number of standing policies:

Corporate Governance Plan, including:

  • Diversity Policy
  • Risk Management Policy

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