Solar Cladding

Limitless colours and textures for renewable energy generation

Transform passive walls and non-transparent areas of the building envelope with energy generating photovoltaic cladding. Design, functionality and significant energy generation.

A highly flexible system to simulate a variety of facade materials while maximising energy generation across the building envelope. The cladding emulates bright gloss or matte glass, marble, stone and masonry, brickwork, granite, wood, or tessellation patterns.

 IP68-rated water resistance, wind resistant and fire tested (TÜV SÜD under the EN 13501-1:2018 [A2-s1, d0]) product complies with relevant building codes, is easy to implement, and will provide significant energy consumption offset for commercial buildings. 

ClearVue Power Façade provides power for virtually all façade  surfaces. By combining our unique clear solar glass with our other BIPV products, buildings can achieve a significant power output and bring them closer to the NetZero energy requirements.

Product features

  • Energy generation of up to 189 watts peak per sq m (depending on the colour and texture chosen)
  • Decreases the use of traditional energy sources by contributing clean energy towards the building's energy use
  • Behind the meter energy generated can be linked to the BMS, used to power smart features, or routed to the storage activated during peak demand

By reducing the reliance on fossil fuels, our solar cladding can assist buildings to comply with ESG and carbon policies, and achieve green certifications and high energy efficiency ratings. 

By producing clean energy on-site our solar cladding offsets the building's energy requirements, creating fast financial payback.

ClearVue solar cladding can also qualify for various government incentives, and reduce carbon tax in the jurisdictions where it's been introduced. 

Streamlined connections to preserve beauty and decrease installation costs.
Compatible with most standard framing systems.

Long lifespan, waterproof, fire tested, and wind resistant, with enhanced fire safety and junction box reliability

12 years product warranty

P68-rated water resistance, wind resistant and fire tested (TÜV SÜD under the EN 13501-1:2018 [A2-s1, d0]) 

30-year linear power performance warranty

High temperatures and humidity resistance

High strength and corrosion resistance

With nine texture types and dozens of rich colours and pattern variations, there is no limit to the creative use of ClearVue solar cladding.

Our cladding is compatible with most standard curtain wall and framing systems and comes in a variety of sizes.

IEC 61215-1, IEC 61215-1-1, IEC 61215-2, IEC 61730-1, IEC 61730-2, EN 13501-1:2018, AS 4284, Clean Energy Council (CEC) of Australia, ISO 9001, UL 61730

Implementing solar cladding will attract a payback of a few years, increase the future value of the property, make it future-proof and more attractive for tenants and property owners.

It is a tangible pathway to achieving net zero energy targets for buildings and meeting the ESG mandates. 

Certifications and compliance

Creative building product with multiple benefits

Energy & sustainability

Renewable energy generated from usually passive surfaces.

Financial payback

Producing energy on-site reduces the energy drawn from the grid. The financial payback can be as fast as under 5 years!

Carbon benefit

Reduce operational carbon by meeting the building’s energy requirements with renewable energy generated on-site. 

High sustainability ratings

ClearZero archetype scores in the top 1% of buildings in the USA / Canada with energy performance & low carbon emissions.

Download product specifications

How it works


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