Solar glass windows & BIPV solutions

Solar for nearly every façade surface
With our proprietary technology, ClearVue BIPV products capture the energy of the sun to power your buildings, from skyscrapers to greenhouses.
ClearVuePV solar vision glass
Commercially available clear solar glass. Low SHGC + renewable energy.
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Solar greenhouse glass
ClearVue solar glass can offset a significant share of energy demand of modern greenhouses

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Energy & Sustainability

Save on heating and cooling whilst creating clean energy on site from your windows

Health & Wellness

Enjoy the benefits of maximum daylighting with higher vision-to-wall ratio

Carbon Benefit

Reduce your operational carbon by up to 100% or more with our BIPV product range

Long Term Benefits

Meet your ESG requirements, achieve financial benefits, and increase property value

How it works

We use an age-old building material, one that protects us from and connects us to our environment... clear glass

We harness the energy from the sun using windows constructed with an interlayer made of a proprietary formulation of nano and micro particles that can ultimately transform the way we power the world. Deployed, tested and proven.

Projects / Cases

Developed, proven and deployed technology

Read about our current building projects.

“Our technology presents a paradigm shift in the way glass will be used in building and construction, automobiles, agriculture and specialty products. Glass will no longer be just a component of construction but also a renewable energy resource.”

Victor Rosenberg – founder and CHAIRMAN

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