Earle Harper provides investor briefing of current market overview and the Company's growth positioning moving forward.

Head of Investor Relations Earle Harper provides an investor briefing to Viriathus, presenting observations on the change in buyer behaviour as the global property market starts to transition to net-zero carbon buildings.

Earle expands his insights on the opportunity this creates for companies that operate in the Building-Integrated Photovoltics (BIPV) sector, and how ClearVue intends to position itself as the product of choice as the world adopts net-zero building practices.

#ClearVue #ClearVuePV #solarglass #solarwindows #BIPV #WIPV #smartwindows #smartfacades #smartcities  #renewables #netzero #netzerofuture #smartconstruction #buildbetter #solutiontechnology #ClearZero #nearzero

Click to watch full briefing below.